
About Me

By Aladdin Glasco October 3

Describing myself in 140 characters: “I’m a married father of three kids; producing commentary and creative content focused on gaming, art, design and general health and fitness.” For the sake of speed and efficiency, this short description of me and my content may be enough for those who need to make a snap judgement on me and my brand. I can accept this because I believe that time is one of the most valuable commodities in our fast paced world, so I understand and appreciate even the smallest amount of someone else’s time and attention. Read more… “About Me”

My Business Is My Fourth Child


By the time my twin sons were born on March 29 of 2016, I was certain about becoming a stay-at-home parent and attempting to fast track the development of my gaming and creative hobbies into a personal brand and home business. Seven months prior to this, my wife and I were less certain about our future as we first discovered that we were having twins during a routine ultrasound for this second pregnancy. The news about our twins was a surprise for both of us, but since we were already planning to have three children, the shock for me was less about the number of children and more about the rate at which our personal and professional time tables had to be expedited to accommodate our extra workload and financial burden.

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To Blog or to Medium? Is that the Question?


At any given time there are thousands of ways for me to communicate my message to the public over the Internet. So if I consider my options between two platforms like WordPress and Medium, I think that it actually makes the most sense for me to just use both. Aside from personal taste or legal restriction, I don’t foresee too many scenarios where I would be forced to choose one platform over another. With that said, a similar question of choice still remains… Where to start? For this question I like to personally assume that I have already begun work on both platforms, as well as every other platform for that matter.

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