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Let’s Play: Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Exploring Ranked Maps



So the last time I played Rainbow Six Siege I felt pretty useless when it came to call-outs and general communication because of my limited operator and map knowledge. While operator knowledge will develop more naturally over time as I use and acquire more operators, I feel like my personal map knowledge requires a more hands on study as opposed to on the fly understanding and adaptation. So tonight we’ll be exploring ranked maps in custom matches.

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#PreGaming: DAREBEE Augmented Workout


To help promote a healthy lifestyle and community, I like to stream a fitness routine before my main broadcasts, and I call this #PreGaming.

Today’s #PreGaming Workout:

  • 5-10 Minute Warm Up Cardio
  • Stretch
  • Augmented Workout (3 Sets)
Read more… “#PreGaming: DAREBEE Augmented Workout”

Let’s Play: Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Day 2 of Ranked



It’s day two of playing ranked multiplayer in Rainbow Six Siege, and hopefully I’m over my initial jitters. After further review of my last ranked matches, whenever I won I only placed 4th & 5th while I placed 3rd both times I lost. So today I’ll try not to get carried as much, or choke when it counts the most.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Rainbow Six Siege (PC) Day 2 of Ranked”