Let’s Play: Hardspace: Shipbreaker (PC), Demolition & Chill


We’re headed back the the salvage port for more demolition and chill vibes in Hardspace: Shipbreaker. I also want to explore more of the game’s dystopian narrative and lore. There’s more to this world than what’s on the surface, and it’s fun to speculate about who or what is running the show behind the scenes.

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Let’s Play: Hardspace: Shipbreaker (PC), Welcome to the suck!


Well, virtual kindergarten is fully underway for my oldest child, and I’m getting back into the swing of homeschooling my younger twins, all while house training our 4 month old puppy. So I’m really hoping that salvaging spaceships in zero gravity in Hardspace: Shipbreaker is going to be as chill and zen as I’m expecting it to be.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Hardspace: Shipbreaker (PC), Welcome to the suck!”