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More Games & Demos (PC), This Banner War Saga of Mine



It has been very therapeutic the past few LIVE streams for me to play games that I felt guilty for not playing or wanting to play them without streaming. I have not only freed my conscience to purchase more games that are currently on sale for Steam’s Winter Sale, I have also taken some time for myself to play and enjoy some of these games that are less fun to watch me stream.

Tonight, I plan on playing some of This War of Mine and The Banner Saga.

I was definitely feeling This War of Mine more than The Banner Saga, but I could still appreciate the acquired taste of The Banner Saga. And so we finish our rapid-fire sessions for games that I’ve installed but haven’t played. Now it’s time to decide what I’m going to buy during the Steam Winter Sale.

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is a loving father creating content focused on personal development and creativity.