Let’s Play: Oxygen Not Included (PC) Survival & Chill




It’s been a while since I’ve played Oxygen Not Included and a few updates have dropped since then. So I’m excited to how this goes and scratch this returning “base building” itch that I have.

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Let’s Play: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC) Part 12 – Ending



Well, we’re still here playing Sekrio: Shadows Die Twice, but I’m more confident than before about finishing it tonight. This probably wont stop the game from throwing a few more things at me to make things difficult. Either way, I’ll keep at it until the deed is done.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC) Part 12 – Ending”

Let’s Play: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC) Part 11



Could this be the end of our Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice playthrough!? Do I have what it takes to beat the boss fight that has sparked so much controversy over video game difficulty? Or am I destined to play Sekiro until the end of time. Tune in to find out…

Read more… “Let’s Play: Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice (PC) Part 11”