The Oracle


An ode to The Oracle as important is rhetorical. Knowledge of love and probability by way of perception and common empathy, is a lesson in déjà vu, experiencing one moment as if two. Imparting kinship from the source, as if self harm has no recourse, but to self terminate as a task in reverence of coexistence unmasked. Subservient to the each other, as mother, father, sister, and brother. We are one, through and through. There is no me. There is no you. We simply do what we do to try to be free of the matrix of lies that make us live separately.

Nuclear Family B/C


My nuclear family is Boron, atomic number: 5, and if you count our dog we are Carbon, you see, we are protons that are alive. We are held in balance along with our electron’s negative energy, and I think that our common vibe is net neutrality. But sometimes we are free radicals bound to ourselves and other family units, like grandparents, aunties, uncles, and friends that makes us all congruent.

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Critical Mass


When I was younger my mother would wonder what I wanted to be when I’m older. As far as I could see we were critical mass waste factories, so without hesitation, I told her. I wanted to be a garbage collector so that I could explore how other people lived, and to be an extension of our neighbor’s ejection of trash was, to me, intimate and productive. And as I tried to explain how cool the trucks were to my brain, she laughed out loud and proclaimed… something about something that I can’t quite remember, while the memory of her laughter remained.

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