From what I’ve seen, the reception for Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice has been overwhelmingly positive, albeit VERY hard. So I’m excited to see how that makes sense, and fulfill my destiny of become the world’s most gotten wrecked ninja!
Well that was a crash course re-education in a “Souls Like” game! Even though I haven’t played Dark Souls in a long time, I find myself having to unlearn some of my pre-existing muscle memory and gameplay conditioning.
In my opinion, Sekiro actually strikes a nice balance between Dark Souls and Marvel’s Spider-Man. I even found myself needing to rebind my controller to most closely resemble Spider-Man to feel more comfortable. While the invincible frames, hit detection and dodging feel particularly unique to Sekiro, and that’s not a bad thing.
So far I’m happy with the game and I look forward to getting better at it. I also hope Marvel’s Spider-Man developers see how Sekiro trusts the player to execute combat, mobility and gadget utility without having their hand held by too much automated combos, dodging and invincible frames.