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Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) Cyberpunk & Chill



When my twin boys were months old and my daughter was only one year old, I needed to be in the room with them for them to take a nap. So I started picking up random game titles on my iPad to help me pass the time as I laid on the floor waiting for my kids to fall asleep. Invisible, Inc. was the stand out game that I remember the most, and one of the only games I go back to help me relax. Let’s see how this plays on the PC.

After being put under the pressure of setting the game to the Expert difficulty and no restarts (Iron Man), I am remembering why I loved this game so much. I was analyzing every situation in a way that this game makes very satisfying when your calculations are correct, or when luck smiles upon you.

At first I thought that I was just going to play Invisible, Inc. as a game to chill and relax to. However, the “new to me” DLC has me interested in how the game has evolved and how the story develops. So, I think that I will see the newer content through before switching to a different game, or at least until I get and itch to play something else.

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is a loving father creating content focused on personal development and creativity.