Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) 75% OFF!!! (through 6/18/2018)



I was originally going to find another game to play today. Then I saw that Invisible, Inc. is currently on sale for 75% OFF through Monday (June 18 at 10am Pacific Time) on Steam for their Klei Entertainment Weekend Sale. So I thought I would go ahead and share another night of gameplay. This way anyone who found this game even remotely entertaining to watch can have the opportunity to try the game for themselves for a fraction of the price.

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Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) Iron Man & DLC



At first I only expected to stream Invisible, Inc. as an intermission while I figured out what games to stream next. However, I got sucked right back into nostalgia of the story, the setting of the world, and the strategy and tactics of the gameplay. So we’re going to keep playing and explore the new (new to me) content of the DLC until we beat it, or until something else catches my eye.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) Iron Man & DLC”

Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) Cyberpunk & Chill



When my twin boys were months old and my daughter was only one year old, I needed to be in the room with them for them to take a nap. So I started picking up random game titles on my iPad to help me pass the time as I laid on the floor waiting for my kids to fall asleep. Invisible, Inc. was the stand out game that I remember the most, and one of the only games I go back to help me relax. Let’s see how this plays on the PC.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) Cyberpunk & Chill”