Let’s Play: Death Stranding (PS4), Part 12


Continuing with our playthrough of Death Stranding, we are now looking into the possible history previous death stranding events. Hopefully we will start getting some answers to our questions about this world and it’s inhabitants, as the question continue to mount while answers are few and far between, and sometimes lead to more questions.

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Let’s Play: Death Stranding (PS4), Part 11


Tonight we’re playing more Death Stranding. I’m anticipating more main story progress, as our last stream seemed to be filled with a lot of busy work. First and foremost, we have to retrieve our BB unit and maybe get some answers about where they came from and how they are created.

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Let’s Play: Death Stranding (PS4), Part 10


We are continuing Death Stranding, and trying to keep a good handle of what the story is so far. Deadman just told us that our BB unite has some history that is questionable. So now we are without our BB unit and the job of reconnecting America must continue.

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