Let’s Play: Divinity: Original Sin 2 (PC), Leveling Up (Part 12)

Author: Aladdin Glasco November 10, 2017

After taking our time to explore Driftwood, we discover that we are severely under-powered for the strength of enemies that we are poised to go up against. So now we search for the weakest link in the long chain of opposition around Driftwood in an attempt to level up. Now will our experience be won through strategy and cunning, brute force or a little bit of both?

Let’s Play: Divinity: Original Sin 2 (PC), Exploring Driftwood (Part 11)

Author: Aladdin Glasco November 8, 2017

By freeing Meistr Siva from the gallows and merely traveling with Ifan Ben-Mezd, the local magisters are already on the hunt for our party. Meistr Siva tells us to seek out powerful and potentially evil source masters to further develop our divine powers. All the while each of our party members have their own personal business and agendas to attend to in and around Driftwood.