Let’s Play: Fallout 4 VR (PC-VR), VR… VR Never Changes (Part 1)

Author: Aladdin Glasco December 12, 2017

I almost forgot about Fallout 4 VR being released this week. So I picked up a copy as an early birthday present to myself. I have heard mixed reviews about Skyrim VR, but I’m hoping that Fallout 4 VR had less hurdles to optimize for virtual reality. We shall see.

Let’s Play: Heat Signature (PC), Something Different

Author: Aladdin Glasco December 11, 2017

After playing a lot of Kerbal Space Program for the past few weeks, I decided to switch things up and dive into one of the many game I picked up during Steam’s Autumn Sale. We’re going to start by trying an top-down indie action strategy game called Heat Signature by Suspicious Developments. We will see where thing go from there.

Let’s Play: Kerbal Space Program (PC), Optimizing Space Port Alpha (Part 2)

Author: Aladdin Glasco December 7, 2017

Previously, we successfully test launched Space Port Alpha into orbit. Now we want to try to optimize the space station’s translation, docking, lighting and action groups. Then, if there is time, we will send a test rendezvous mission using another space craft.