I feel like I’m starting to get the hang of the controls in God of War on the PlayStation 4. I’m also getting more special moves to figure out my play style, which is basically hit hard and don’t get hit and try to parry. Oh, and I need to utilize BOY more!
Category: Let’s Play
Let’s play some games together or collaborate on something creative!
Let’s Play: God of War (PS4) Part 2
Looking forward to playing more God of War on the PlayStation 4, and basking in the grumpy, old man, no chill glory that is Kratos! As a God of War first timer, I honestly can’t tell if I’m supposed to take him and the chip on his shoulder seriously, but then I don’t really care because I’m having fun either way.
Let’s Play: God of War (PS4) Part 1
Full disclosure, I’ve never played a God of War game, but I’ve watched some of the epic cinematic from the older games in the series. So I’m excited to see how fun the hack-and-slash gameplay is along with the epic boss fights, lore and setting in this latest God of War.