Let’s Play: Rocksmith 2014 (PC), Guitar Practice



I’ve recently gotten back into playing my guitar with Rocksmith 2014 Edition Remastered, and I think the only way for me to commit to getting better is to incorporate my practice into my streaming routine. However, while my main stream will be Rocksmith for tonight, I want to restructure my #PreGaming streams to be more inclusive of other “self improvement” hobbies and activities along side health and fitness.

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Let’s Play: My Friend Pedro (PC), PogChamp!



I had my eye on My Friend Pedro before it came out, but I got a lot of Katana Zero vibes. However, the buzz around this game has been mostly positive, so I figured I’d give it a “shot.” After all, Katana Zero was all about close combat and throwable items, even when it came to guns! Now let’s go meet our new friend…

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Let’s Play: They Are Billions (PC), Still Learning



Let’s kill more zombies in They Are Billions. Hopefully I can use what I learned from yesterday, and complete the first campaign mission on the first try tonight. Then we can explore more of what this game is about outside of learning the fundamentals.

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