Let’s Play: Invisible, Inc. (PC) Cyberpunk & Chill



When my twin boys were months old and my daughter was only one year old, I needed to be in the room with them for them to take a nap. So I started picking up random game titles on my iPad to help me pass the time as I laid on the floor waiting for my kids to fall asleep. Invisible, Inc. was the stand out game that I remember the most, and one of the only games I go back to help me relax. Let’s see how this plays on the PC.

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Let’s Play: Fortnite (PC) Here we go!



I accepted the that my return to LIVE broadcasting last week would eventually lead me to playing a battle royale game. I just didn’t realize it would be this soon. Since the idea was already there, it didn’t take much from the mere mention of Fortnite in my chat to make me want to play it sooner. Like in the movie Inception, “an idea is like a virus, resilient, highly contagious. The smallest seed of an idea can grow. It can grow to define or destroy you.” Let’s just hope we have some fun and good games.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Fortnite (PC) Here we go!”

Let’s Play: Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) Grief, Sacrifice or Resurrection? (Part 2 – Ending)



**SPOILERS (kind of)** After my last play session with Shadow of the Colossus, I was convinced that the world that we are playing in is a metaphorical one. The initial tone set with death and loss then our character choosing to act instead of accepting someone else’s fate. So my question is, are we in a world of grief, sacrifice, or resurrection from damnation? Also, at what cost is our character’s objective achieved?

Read more… “Let’s Play: Shadow of the Colossus (PS4) Grief, Sacrifice or Resurrection? (Part 2 – Ending)”