Let’s Play: Satisfactory (PC) Automation ASMR



Coffee Stain Studios just released their early access game, Satisfactory, and I’m really excited to play! I never got into currently available open-world, construction, exploration and sand box games. So I’m excited that this game is the one that hooks me, especially with it’s emphasis on production line factory automation.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Satisfactory (PC) Automation ASMR”

Let’s Play: Beat Saber (PC + Vive) Dance Like The DMCA Isn’t Watching!



When it seems like we’ve reached peak automation of digital copyright take down notices around the internet during what could be called the #DMCApocalypse, only a mad man would stream a copyrighted music based rhythm game… “I feel like streaming Beat Saber!”

Read more… “Let’s Play: Beat Saber (PC + Vive) Dance Like The DMCA Isn’t Watching!”

Let’s Play: Passpartout: The Starving Artist (PC) Doki Doki Art



I still have my Doki Doki Literature Club! playthrough on my mind, so I’ve decided to play Passpartout: The Starving Artist as I like to draw themes from other games within this game. This should also be a lot more chill and relaxing compared to anything else I could be playing.

Read more… “Let’s Play: Passpartout: The Starving Artist (PC) Doki Doki Art”