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Let’s Play: God of War (PS4) Part 2



Looking forward to playing more God of War on the PlayStation 4, and basking in the grumpy, old man, no chill glory that is Kratos! As a God of War first timer, I honestly can’t tell if I’m supposed to take him and the chip on his shoulder seriously, but then I don’t really care because I’m having fun either way.

We got a lot of exposition this time around, but I’m still excited for some epic boss fights yet to come. It’s probably for the best that I take the time provided to get better at combat and figuring out the move set that best compliments my play style. While the customization was a bit distracting and overwhelming at first I’ve become more invested to optimizing every character stat and advantage possible as the difficulty and challenges increase.

Author: Aladdin Glasco

Aladdin Glasco is a loving father creating content focused on personal development and creativity.